Today Ms. Scholl's kindergarten class colored "thankful for veterans" pictures and gave them to Mr. Erwin.
A very special thank you to all our Roadrunner community's veterans, as well as those still serving. Thank you for all you do and for all you've given our country!
Make plans to attend the I-35 Drama production of "A 21st Century Christmas Carol" by Lori M. Myers! Show times - Friday, November 12 at 6:00 pm and Saturday, November 13 at 6:00. Admission - $5 for adults and $3 for students. (Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado).
I-35 FAMILY STEM NIGHT - Friday, Nov. 19! This FREE event is for all members of the family-please note that children/youth must come with an adult. Dinner will be provided so make sure to sign up by Friday, Nov. 12!
Due to continued food shortage items, we will need to make a change on the menu for Thursday, November 11th:
WG Cinnamon Roll
WG Cheese Pizza Boat
Romaine Salad
Again, we want to thank all students, staff and the community for their continued support during these crazy times. Food shortages continue to plague the system. We will continue to do our best to communicate and work around these issues.
Thank you!
Angie Stroh,
Food Service Director
Today, our 3rd grade students were able to take in a Des Moines Civic Center program from the comfort of our own auditorium!
We are having a state of the district and finance meeting tonight in the High School Media Center at 6 p.m.
Public is welcome to attend.
Show your support for our Interstate 35 Roadrunner Dance team!
Join the I- 35 Drama Department on November 12 and 13 at 6:oo pm as they proudly present "A 21st Century Christmas Carol" by Lori M. Myers.
Admission - $5 for adults and $3 for students.
(Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado)
Don't forget to stop by the Book Fair in the Elementary/Middle School Gym tonight during Parent Teacher Conferences. The students and teachers have made their wish lists, and a portion of the proceeds goes directly back to the school libraries!
Don't forget -
Tuesday, November 16th the music department will present our first combined choir and band concert of the school year.
Part of the high school band performance includes a patriotic selection. With the close proximity of Veteran’s Day on the 11th, we thought it was appropriate to recognize this important group of people at our performance!
We’d like to show the photos/information of as many I35 Veterans as possible, including staff/alumni/family/community members. Band students have been encouraged to provide photos and information of family members and friends who’ve served.
Photos will be run on a slide show during the performance on a screen in the auditorium. Name, military branch, years served, other special recognitions will be included in each photo.
To participate, please use the following form which includes a photo upload segment:
(Please share with others who may be interested in participating!) Any questions, please contact Brandt Payne, I-35 5-12 Band Director, at
Help us support our veterans!
Mark your calendars:
REMINDER: Picture retakes are tomorrow.
Make sure to join us for Parent Teacher Conferences tonight from 4-8 pm. Also, stop by the HS Commons any time from 5:30-7 to learn more about the impact of technology on students' lives and how to safely navigate the digital world.
Middle School Sewing Club finished book sleeves and pillows Friday morning! Great job, Roadrunners!
The MS Outdoor club has been hard at work learning about fur harvesting, outdoor shelters, and having some fun roasting hot dogs and s'mores.
This afternoon the Middle School Band and Choir students hosted an in-house music program for the elementary. They were able to showcase their talent in the auditorium, and then gave the 4th grade choir students a chance to sing as well. Nice job!