Reminder that tomorrow & Thursday are 2 hour early out days for conferences. Friday is a no school day with no remote learning.

Spring conferences are scheduled for Monday, March 8 & Thursday, March 11 from 4-8pm. Teachers will be available in their classrooms or you can make arrangements for a virtual conference. Masks will be required when you are in the building and meeting with teachers. School will be dismissed 2 hours early on Monday & Thursday. Friday , March 12 will be a Teacher Inservice day with NO remote learning.

Less than 6 positive.
14 quarantined.

Interstate 35 National Honor Society is hosting a blood drive on March 10th from 1:30-7 in the high school gym and we are in need of donors. If you are able to donate, contact sgood@i-35.k12.ia.us or an NHS member and we will get you on the schedule!

If you missed out on Preschool registration for next year, please contact the elementary office 641-765-4901.
Kindergarten sign up sheet, this is not registration for kindergarten but just a sign up sheet so we have an idea about incoming student numbers. Registration will be in the summer, watch website for dates.

The After Prom Committee is hosting a Silent Auction. Bidding will be open March 1 -12. Please join their Facebook Group, Interstate 35 Roadrunners 2021 After Prom so you don't miss out!

We have less than 6 positive and 22 quarantined.

Helping Hand in Indianola has been able to secure 100 food boxes for free to any I-35 community members. The food box contains dairy products such as a gallon of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, block of cheddar cheese and butter, 2 packages of meat, and 3 pounds of apples, oranges, potatoes, and onions. The boxes can be picked up on Wednesday, February 24th, from 3pm-4pm (or until boxes are gone) at the west end of the CTE building. Please come grab a box!
Questions or concerns please contact Rose Dickinson at 641-765-4818.

Preschool Registration will be held in the Elementary Library Tuesday, February 23, 2021, from 4pm-7pm and in the Elementary office Friday, February 26, 2021 from 8am-3pm.
If your child is, or will be, 4 years of age by September 15, 2021, then he/she is eligible to attend our 4 year-old preschool. If your child is 3 years of age by September 15, 2021 then he/she is eligible to attend our 3 year-old ½ day preschool. All completed forms and deposit will need to be in the office to officially hold your child’s spot on the roster. If you have questions, please contact the Interstate 35 Elementary Office at 641-765-4901 or email Jenny Dickinson jdickinson@i-35.k12.ia.us or Le Ann McFarland at lmcfarland@i-35.k12.ia.us.

first graders presenting their bird riddles to the school board

Staff received first vaccine shot today

Registration will be held in the Elementary Library Tuesday, February 23, 2021, from 4pm-7pm and in the Elementary office Friday, February 26, 2021 from 8am-3pm.
If your child is, or will be, 4 years of age by September 15, 2021, then he/she is eligible to attend our 4 year-old preschool. If your child is 3 years of age by September 15, 2021 then he/she is eligible to attend our 3 year-old ½ day preschool. All completed forms and deposit will need to be in the office to officially hold your child’s spot on the roster. If you have questions, please contact the Interstate 35 Elementary Office at 641-765-4901 or email Jenny Dickinson jdickinson@i-35.k12.ia.us or Le Ann McFarland at lmcfarland@i-35.k12.ia.us.

Hallway walk to wish our wrestlers the best of luck at state Go Roadrunners

Due to extreme cold, I 35 will have a virtual learning day tomorrow. Tuesday, Feb. 16. Teachers will have lessons posted by 9 AM. They are available all day for questions with office hours between 10 and 12 for immediate support. The Daycare will also be closed. Stay warm.

Due to extreme cold, I 35 will have a virtual learning day tomorrow. Teachers will have lessons posted by 9 AM. They are available all day for questions with office hours between 10 and 12 for immediate support. Stay warm. The Daycare will also be closed

It was a spirited game of kickball to end the teachers day of professional development

Covid numbers -
Less than 6 positive
15 quarantined.

Helping Hand in Indianola has been able to secure 100 food boxes for free to any I-35 community members. The food box contains dairy products such as a gallon of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, block of cheddar cheese and butter, 2 packages of meat, and 3 pounds of apples, oranges, potatoes, and onions. The boxes can be picked up on Wednesday, February 10th, from 3pm-4pm (or until boxes are gone) at the west end of the CTE building. One box per car.
Questions or concerns please contact Rose Dickinson at 641-765-4818.

Masks continue to be required in the school building at all times. Beginning Monday 2/22, masks will no longer be available at the student entrance. Students will be expected to bring their own masks each day. It is recommended that your student carry a "back up" mask as well. If your student does not have a mask or if you need assistance getting a mask for your student please contact Brandi Ransom at bransom@roadrunnerpride.org or call 641-765-5203.

Behind the Scenes: our school board is a dedicated group who volunteer their time and energy to make those hard decisions that are in the best interest of students, staff, and families. We thank you and salute you!