Today's the Day! Speaker Joe Beckman will be at I-35 tonight at 6:30pm. Please join us to hear his message about connecting and reconnecting with your children, your community, and each other!
Congratulations 6th grade ELA students!
The students met the challenge to read enough books to fill Mrs. Peacock's bulletin board and now Mrs. Peacock is sporting a beautiful pink to purple ombre hairstyle!
Today in Ms. Pietan's English 9 class, students were sharing their Independent Reading and Podcast projects with each other. Students came up with some really great ways to share their ideas!
Shout Out -
In the secondary building, students and staff members can share a "shout out" to each other to recognize Roadrunners who positively demonstrate an aspect of our Roadrunner Code of Conduct. We have so many great Roadrunners we're proud of!
Plan to attend I-35's parent night with international speaker Joe Beckman on Thursday, January 13. Join us to hear his message about connecting and reconnecting with your children, your community, and each other!
Congratulations to our elementary Academic Students of the Week!
Congratulations to our Elementary's Marathon of Roadrunners for December! These students were nominated by the teachers for showing excellent character in the classroom!
Basketball Pink Out Night! Join us on Friday, January 28th durning the Varsity Basketball Games vs. AC-GC. Order Pink Out gear from our online store at Store closes 1/14 at 9am. Proceeds are shared between the Pink Tractor Foundation and the Interstate 35 Basketball Cheerleaders. Contact Mrs. Offield with any questions at
It's going to be a great week to head out and cheer on our Roadrunners!
Mark Your Calendars! I-35 is hosting an exclusive parent night with international speaker Joe Beckman on Thursday, January 13. Come join us to hear his message about connecting and reconnecting with your children, your community, and each other!
At the start of the year, Mrs. Peacock challenged her 6th grade students to read enough books to fill her bulletin board by May. If they were able to do so, she would dye her hair whatever color the class decided. I hear the students are planning to vote for rainbow colored!
Mrs. Boyd's students were working hard to create some delicious looking cupcakes today! Looks great, Roadrunners!
Check out these awesome new bags for our I-35 Golf Team! A special thank you to the Booster Club for helping make this happen!
Activities for the week of January 3! Let's go, Roadrunners!
Enjoy your winter break, Roadrunners!
The National Honor Society members enjoyed a holiday potluck party for lunch today!
Thank you to Matt Masters and Joni Griglione for the generous treat to help the teachers and staff make it through the last day before break!
4th Graders!