The Foods I class was also honing their cooking skills today with homemade pizza.
I-35 Foods class learned how to make homemade fried chicken yesterday afternoon. Hopefully their families will benefit from this new-found skill - it looks delicious!
Happy National Principal's Month to our three wonderful principals - Mr. Bonte, Mrs. Woods, and Mrs. Whitson! These three are always on the go making sure every Roadrunner at I-35 is successful!
Check out these AWESOME Roadrunners! Yesterday afternoon we had a bus breakdown while on route; Abram Edwards helped to make sure the younger students were safely seated on the second bus while Natalye Bell made sure there were no students remaining on the broken down bus. What great examples of what Roadrunners are!
Happy Instructional Coach's Day to our I-35 Instructional Coaching Team!
This team works diligently to support our students and staff with district-wide initiatives, curriculum development, data conversations, and implementing student-centered goals!
Did you know this week was School Custodian Appreciation Week? We can not begin to say Thank You enough to the hard-working custodial and facilities crew for all they do! They help set up for events here at the school, make needed repairs to the facility, keep the grounds looking great, and make sure the building is clean and welcoming every day for students, and that's not even including everything they do through the summer! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are all amazing!
Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5, is school picture day!
The Department of Education is seeking input on Administrative Code 281, Chapter 12, which is the governing document for PK-12 schools in Iowa. It focuses on improving learning, achievement and performance. The Code is currently under review. If you would like to provide feedback about the code, please complete the survey (directions are included). Please contact the district office if you have any questions.
Here are this week's activities. Make sure to get out and cheer on our Roadrunners!
Wow! We have some amazing talent at I-35! Our high-flying Cheer Squad really fired up the students during this afternoon's Pep Rally!
The elementary students had so much fun getting pepped up for Homecoming at this morning's pep rally!
Interstate 35 is so proud of the leaders we have in the district! Thanks for representing I-35 so well I-35 Student Council and the senior football players!
Have you heard the I-35 Band lately? The are FANTASTIC! Great job, Roadrunner Band and Director Nick McKinney at the elementary pep assembly this morning!
The Roadrunner Backpack Program would like to thank the community last night for their support with the fundraiser meal. We were able to raise $3000 to be used towards meals for families in our district. Special thanks to Madison County Cattlemen for spending their evening with us grilling burgers and hot dogs and to Shop & Save (Truro) who not only provided the excellent ice cream but also iced all of our beverage coolers. Thanks to our other sponsors as well: Walmart Indianola, HyVee Winterset, Costco, and Duane Stewart (Little Debbie). The amount of community support was humbling and just a reminder of what being a Roadrunner truly means!
A huge Thank You to everyone who contributed to making the 2022 Homecoming parade and coronation a wonderful success! #RoadrunnerPride
What a great turn-out for the 2022 Homecoming Parade!
We are ready
Everyone is getting ready for tonight's 2022 Homecoming celebration!
Make sure to attend this evening's Homecoming activities - the Roadrunner Backpack Fundraiser meal from 4:30-6:00, Homecoming Parade at 6:00, and Coronation following the parade!
Homecoming always brings out everyone's Roadrunner Pride!