Updated Bus Stop Information
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Truro Bus Stops
Saint Charles Bus Stops
NV Bus Stops
Reminder: We will be dismissing at 12:00 noon today, Thursday, August 24.
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Weather updates
Reminder: We will be dismissing at 12:00 noon today, Wednesday, August 23.
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Weather Update
Lots of 1st Day energy today! Welcome Back, Roadrunners!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
1st day of school
1st day of school
1st day of school
The High School Student Council is offering three sky boxes for this year's home football schedule. Each sky box is limited to four occupants and costs $30 for each home game. Reservations can be secured through email at jsmith@i-35.k12.ia.us beginning 8:00 Thursday (8/24) morning. Time stamped emails will ensure the first come first serve basis. You are welcome to reserve every game, except homecoming, but we ask you only reserve one sky box. If more are available for a particular game you will be contacted. Sky boxes for homecoming will be auctioned off during coronation. Here are the games, dates and opponents that are available: Friday, August 25 vs Pleasantville Friday, September 22 vs Clarinda Friday, September 29 vs Centerville
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Roadrunner Football
2023-2024 Bus Stop Information
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Bus Stop Info
Bus Stop Info
Bus Stop Info
I-35 Staff started getting back into the swing of things with some professional learning yesterday. Everyone is excited to start seeing students back in the building for the 2023-2024 school year! And a special Thank You to City State Bank for providing everyone with breakfast!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
City State Bank Breakfast
Staff in PD
Staff in PD
Roadrunner Activities #RoadrunnerPride
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Roadrunner Activities
Calling all Seniors!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
sunrise breakfast
No running buddy for the 5k? No problem! Sign your child up and email Rose Dickinson at rdickinson@roadrunnerpride.org and she will help match your daughter with a running buddy for the 5k! The program will begin on Sept. 12th and meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:45pm.
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Girls on the Run Flyer
Lots of people have made their way to our Back to School Bash! We're here until 7:00 pm, make sure to stop by!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Back to school bash
Back to school bash
Back to school bash
Back to school bash
Make sure to stop out at tonight's Back to School Bash from 5:30 - 7:00 pm!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
back to school bash flyer
A very special "Thank You" to Union State Bank, USB President/CEO Jeff Nolan, and Truro Office Manager Missy Young for providing teacher breakfast on their first day back (Wednesday, August 17)!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Union State Bank representatives
Looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday night at the Back to School Bash. New this year students will have the opportunity to pick up a fall sport team poster/schedule and have their favorite high school athlete autograph it! Find them in the high school commons! Sure to be a fun night!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Back to school bash
Roadrunner Athletes are getting ready for the upcoming activities seasons! #RoadrunnerPride
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Roadrunner Activities
Interstate 35 CSD is hosting the Girls on the Run program through YMCA this fall for female students in grades 3rd-5th. The program will begin on September 12th and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:45pm. The coaches for the fall program include: Lexi Crozier, Alexandra Boyle, and Rose Dickinson. Thanks to a grant by the Greater Madison County Community Foundation, students only have to pay $25 for the registration fee. St. Charles Lions Club has agreed to sponsor any student who may need support with that fee. Please contact Rose Dickinson at rdickinson@roadrunnerpride.org with any questions in regards to financial support. Please sign up using the link on the flyer. We are very excited for this opportunity for our students!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Girls on the Run Flyer
Make sure to attend the 2023-2024 Back to School Bash on Thursday, August 17 from 5:30 - 7:00!
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Back to school bash flyer
Make sure you have all the important dates for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year! School calendars can also be found on the I-35 website at www.roadrunnerpride.org
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
School calendar
5th-8th Grade and 9th-12th Grade Orientation Information: The Secondary school will be hosting an orientation for all students entering grades 5 through 8, and a second event for all 9 through 12th grade students on Thursday, August 10. This event is targeted for any new students joining the I35 district or those that are interested in hearing about what to expect in the middle school and high school level. The events will be held in the high school auditorium, and will open with information for both students and parents, then students will break off to separate areas to learn about Roadrunner PRIDE. 5:30 – 6:30 5th - 8th grade Orientation 7:00 – 8:00 9th - 12th grade Orientation
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Reminder image
The Interstate 35 Community School District Board of Education will have a special meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 6 p.m. to work on resolutions relating to the first phase of our long range facilities plan. The agenda for the meeting has been posted.
over 1 year ago, Interstate 35 Community School District
Reminder text