I have had a few questions about if our policies at the school would change as a result of the Governor's health proclamation last week. Our current guidelines from the CDC and Iowa Department of Public Health have not changed. As a result, we are not changing any of our current mask mandates or social distancing precautions at the school. These will continue to be in effect for any groups or organizations that use our facility as well.
Our primary focus is on keeping our students in school and making it a safe place to learn and work. I understand this is not ideal and I appreciate your efforts to continue to follow the guidelines put in place for our students and staff.
We will continue to monitor and evaluate based on the information from the Governor's Office, the CDC and Iowa Department of Public Health.
Please contact me if you have any questions (641-765-4291) or sdentlinger@i-35.k12.ia.us . Stay warm this week.