Re: Proposed Legislation for Public Schools
Dear Parents, Patrons, Community Members,
January brought the start of the new session for our state legislature. There are several bills being proposed that have a direct impact on public education. I have been asked by several people what the proposed legislation is and how it will impact public schools. I encourage you to become familiar with the proposed legislation and to be in contact with your legislators to voice your opinion.
Some of the bills being considered include the following:
SF 159. The Governor’s omnibus bill is focused on several education topics. This includes legislation about Student First Scholarship Programs (vouchers to use public money for private education), charter school programs, diversity plans, education tax credits, student enrollment, open enrollment, and school board powers and duties. The ISFIS group provided a section analysis of each of these topics and can be found HERE.
SF 160. This is the bill that requires schools to provide 100% in person instruction to those parents that request it.
HSB 64 (Senate version is included in SF 159) that would eliminate school diversity plans.
HF 14 Preschool eligibility makes children who turn 5 between March 15 - September 15 eligible for the statewide preschool program and funding if the school enrolls such students. It applies to the 2022-23 school year through 2024-25 school years.
There are several other pieces of legislation that impact public schools directly--these are the bills that seem to be getting the most attention. I know our representatives appreciate feedback on legislation, so they can make informed decisions about how their constituents view proposed bills. The current members of Congress that represent Interstate 35 Community Schools include the following:
If you have any questions, please contact me at 641-765-4291.
Sharon Dentlinger (signed electronically)
Sharon Dentlinger