Standards Referenced Grading at Interstate 35
Standards-Referenced Grading (SRG) is an alternative way to provide feedback to students about academic progress that focuses directly on the learning standards set at the state level. While the elementary and secondary English department has utilized SRG for several school years, the remaining secondary courses will shift to this model for the 2023 - 2024 school year. In preparation for this transition away from less meaningful, traditional letter grades towards explicit feedback on a student's growth towards specific learning criteria for each course, teachers have been hard at work creating the structure and tools needed to make this transition.
SRG is just one small piece of the work staff are diving into to support all students in learning within each course or subject area. Our district-wide goal around core instruction reads as follows:
Continue to strengthen the core instruction.
Work in the context of standards based learning to articulate proficiency scales for each power standard.
Solidify working knowledge of Understanding by Design.
Develop and utilize a systematic data review process for assessments.
This goal is outlined in the Curriculum Roadmap organizer the teachers utilized to provide direction and sequence to the work they are doing to provide students with the best learning opportunities possible.
One essential element of SRG is referred to as a "Proficiency Scale." Each standard taught in a course or subject/grade area has/will have a proficiency scale that is utilized to provide clarity in the score a student received on a practice or assessment opportunity. The district has a common template utilized across all three buildings to help families in only having to learn and understand one format. An example proficiency scale is shown below.

SRG Proficiency Scale
In addition to these scales, staff are working on rubrics and checklists that are student and parent friendly and provide explicit feedback for the various standards being developed and assessed. An example of a rubric that aligns to the proficiency scale is also provided below. You will notice that the rubric and scale are tailored to a specific state standard that all students across the state are expected to master. With SRG, the standard(s) drive learning tasks and assessment.

Example SRG Rubric
Why Standards Referenced Grading?
We are SRG because it is an accurate reflection of student mastery toward learning standards.
I-35 SRG Assessment Process

How Is Student Proficiency Determined?
All students in grades PreK-8th will utilize the scale listed below to determine student proficiency on a learning standard in alignment with the proficiency scale of the course. Using the standard referenced grading allow teachers to give accurate feedback to parents and students on the students' progress towards mastery of the learning standard. The scale listed below is a measurement tool to show progress towards that mastery.

Grade Calculation for PreK-8
How Are Letter Grades and GPA Determined in High School?
The final (semester) letter grade for every secondary course at Interstate 35 is calculated using the District Letter Grade Scale in PowerSchool. Letter grade percentages are determined by averaging the power standard assessments for the semester. A letter grade is then assigned based on the total score. Course letter grades are determined at semester using the following scale:

Grade Calculation for Grades 9-12
The History of Standards Referenced Grading at I-35
Planning History of SRG at I-35
2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Utilized PD to begin training staff for SRG | Held 3 Q&A sessions for the community about standards referenced grading | PLCs continue to create proficiency scales and unit plans |
Began using SRG philosophies such as implementing 5-12 assessment retakes | Utilized PLC time for unit creation | PD on Core Instruction Practices |
ELA piloted SRG in the Spring Semester | SRG Committee formed to monitor implementation | ELA Continues to pilot SRG |
ELA Continues to pilot SRG |
Full Implementation K-12 by Fall 2023
Traditional | Standards Referenced |
One grade is given per assessment, even if many different standards are tested. | Performance ratings are given per standard, even when assessments contain multiple standards. |
Based on a percentage system. Criteria used to determine grades are not always clear. | Based on specific criteria by defining what it “looks like” to be successful on the standard. Rubrics are utilized for assessment feedback. |
Uses an uncertain mix of achievement, attitude, effort and behavior. Uses penalties and extra credit that distort grades. | Measures only achievement on the specific standards and skills. No penalties or bonuses are given. |
Everything goes in the grade book, regardless of its purpose (including homework or practice work). | Selected common assessments (this can include formative assessments, projects, tests, papers etc.) are used for reporting progress with many opportunities to demonstrate growth. |
Grades are calculated using an averaging system--the worst grades averaged with the best. | Emphasizes the most recent assessments more heavily to demonstrate learning that has occurred and does not penalize the student for the learning process. |
The teacher calculates the grade and announces the decision to students. | The teacher discusses progress with students and provides feedback on learning goals throughout the learning process. |